6 Goals of Children's Ministry
To reach kids and raise them up to be:
1. Powerful in Prayer
Every child should be a powerful prayer warrior through regular opportunities of seeing God answer their prayers.
2. Knowledgeable in God's Word
Every child should be solidly knowledgeable of God's Word though systematic teachings by trained leaders, curriculum, and resources.
3. Radical in Worship
Every child should intimately worship God through praise and age-appropriate songs.
4. Mobilized in Service
Every child should be taught their value of service in God's kingdom through opportunities to exercise their talents and abilities to minister to others.
5. Active in Evangelism
Every child should be willing to be a bold witness for Christ and to allow their life to be used to bring glory to God and salvation to others.
6. Sacrificial in Giving
Every child should be taught to pray for and sacrificially give to help reach the lost people of the world.