“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Conference Schedule
9:15am — Sunday School will feature a report from missionary guest Lynne Herlein, along with some additional video reports from the field.
10:30 am — Worship Service: Pastor Clint Hamilton will lead the service, which will also feature a report from our short-term Bolivia mission team.
7:00 pm — Dessert & Trivia Night: Come enjoy some fellowship with our missionaries. Brush up on your world missions knowledge (geography, world cultures, missions history, etc.) for our trivia night! Children welcome...this will be a relaxed, family-friendly atmosphere. Deserts will be provided, but you are also encouraged to bring snacks to share with your trivia table.
Please register for each meal to let us know how many will be coming. Interested individuals of all ages are welcome, but childcare is not provided.
11:00 am — Ladies Luncheon: Hear from missionaries Amy Flores, Debby Fleetwood, and Lynne Herlein.
5:30 pm — Men’s BBQ: Hear from missionaries Hector Flores, Mike Fleetwood, and Tim Johnston.
9:15 am — Ministry Reports: Featured missionaries will share about their ministries.
10:30 am — Worship Service: We will be challenged from the Word through the teaching of our guest speaker, Tim Johnston. We will also collect 2025 Faith Promise Pledges.
Noon — International Potluck: Bring your favorite international dish to share.
Bible Basis Speaker
Tim Johnston
Tim and Jan have 45 years of full-time mission service (New Tribes Mission 16 years, and FRIENDS in Action Intl for 29 years). He served 11 years in Bolivia, 5 years in Papua New Guinea, and over 29 years developing the ministries and fields of FIA. He founded the Board of Canada and established NGO status for FIA in the countries of Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea, and Nicaragua. In 2022 Tim passed the leadership of FIA to his successor Matt Durkee. Tim has a bachelor’s degree in Cross-Cultural Ministry but more importantly has a passion to see every tribe, tongue, and nation reached with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Tim presently serves with FIA as the Director of Partnership Development and the field leader of Nicaragua.
Featured Missionaries
Hector & Amy Flores
Hector and Amy Flores train indigenous Mexican believers for missionary work among unreached people groups in Mexico, throughout Latin America, and around the world. They teach at a missionary training school near Chihuahua, Mexico operated by Ethnos360 (formerly New Tribes Mission).
Mike & Debby Fleetwood
Mike and Debby Fleetwood serve at the Cru World Headquarters in Orlando Florida. Through their work in Resource Development, they help provide Cru national staff members and ministries around the globe with the materials and funds needed for ministry. These efforts are helping to win thousands to faith in Christ each day and then helping them to grow in faith. Over the years, their ministry with Cru has taken them to over 50 different countries, and the resources they provide benefits staff and movements in 190 countries worldwide where Cru has ministry.
Lynne Herlein
Lynne serves as the Associate Director of Education/Children’s Ministries Institute (CMI) Director. As the Associate Director of Education her responsibilities include working with CMI’s held around the world, providing encouragement, help, materials and continuing education to Regional Education Directors. As Director of CMI, she oversees the Children’s Ministries Institute staff and students, helps in developing and updating training curriculum and teaches in many of the modules. In addition to her work in Warrenton and Saint Louis, Lynne has extensive experience developing and leading CEF’s ministries in Kenya and in India.
Faith Promise Giving
Your Faith Promise pledge supports Hope Church's global missions activities including monthly support for Hope missionaries, special projects, and short term mission trips. The Faith Promise pledge cards are used to help determine the annual missions budget.
You will find a pledge card in your church mail folder. This card is meant as a reminder to yourself of your commitment. There is also a portion that we ask you to detach and place in the offering box outside the office.
Your Faith Promise is strictly voluntary. It should not replace your tithe. It’s between you and God. We will never ask you about it. We will not tell you what to give. You decide what to give by FAITH.
We ask that you and your family take time to pray about what God would have you to give to support our missionaries.
Missionary Prayer Journal
Twice each month, we publish a prayer list with current prayer needs from all of our missionaries. If you would like to receive this prayer list to uphold our missionaries in prayer, please let us know.